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The Design and Construction Institute is an organization consisting of leaders in the design and construction industry of Nova Scotia. DCI has volunteer membership representation from contractors, developers, architects, engineers, designers, project managers and suppliers of products and services from across the Nova Scotia. 
DCI was founded in 1971 by a small group of energetic Industry members who endeavoured to improve communication and understanding within the design and construction industry. Now in its 50th year of service, DCI continues to be a strong and vibrant voice and advocate for its membership. Current and past editions of the DCI Board of Directors include notable members of our community who have helped shape design and construction in Nova Scotia. 


In 2013 the Board developed the following Vision, Mission, and Value statements to define and  guide the organization into the future: 


VISION: A vibrant and mutually supportive Design and Construction Industry in the province of  Nova Scotia. 

MISSION: To provide a forum for the discussion and resolution of common issues facing the Design and Construction Industry, and to foster supportive relationships amongst members. 

VALUES: Our key values are: 

  • Respect: We treat our membership and community at large with dignity and respect.   

  • Integrity: We act with integrity and communicate directly, honestly, and transparently. 

  • Innovation: We encourage innovation, growth, and continuous improvement within our  industry. ​

  • Commitment: We commit to improving the design and construction of our built  environment.


DCI brings our industry partners together. 

Our guiding principles are as follows: collaboration, advocacy, partnership, and education:



  • COLLABORATION:  Promote dialog, understanding and cooperation amongst industry participants.

  • ADVOCACY:  Work with our industry partner organizations and all levels of government to advance proactive and progressive policies and standards.

  • PARTNERSHIP:  Partner with like-minded organizations and associations to promote best practices, learning and innovation.

  • EDUCATION:  Promote innovation, technical advancement, and best practice learning on topics of common interest.






  • Build Capacity: Assemble the resources to successfully deliver our objectives and outcomes;

  • Communicate: Build broad industry awareness of DCI among private and public sector partners

  • Expand: Increase the organization’s membership and geographical representation

  • Celebrate: Highlight and promote local design and construction projects;




Over the past five years, DCI has undertaken and lead several important industry initiatives including: 


  • Partnering with CANS and NSCSC to host a Procurement Day Forum with over 125 attendees to gather input and prepare a report delivered to the Province on procurement issues of common concern across the industry 

  • Hosting annual “Education Day” events to bring important content to representative groups. 

  • Hosting annual industry award dinners to honour those who make significant contributions to the Design and Construction Industry 

  • Hosting social events to promote relationship building and collaboration amongst the many disciplines that make up the Design and Construction Industry



The role of this committee is to nominate a slate of new members for election to serve on the  Board of Directors for a 4-year term; the nominee-candidates are then reviewed and ratified by  the Board of Directors at the AGM. In addition, the Committee nominates potential candidates  to receive Distinguished Member Awards or Honourary Membership awards. The Committee is  also charged with developing and maintaining the membership structure.


The role of this committee is to review the DCI Annual Financial Report and accounts at the end  of the fiscal year as prepared by the Treasurer, and to make a recommendation for the Board of  Directors acceptance of the report to the Board of Directors at the AGM.  


The role of this committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters  relating to all communication of DCI business to the membership and the public at large, as well  as maintaining the website and social media platforms. 


The role of this committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters  relating to education and to organize educational and other events to broaden industry  awareness of the Institute and encourage professional development of DCI members.


The role of this committee is to organize social events as directed by the Board of Directors to  broaden industry awareness of the Institute and promote positive member relationships. 


The role of this committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors on  opportunities for sponsorship and revenue generation (outside of membership dues). This  committee will work closely to support the Education and Events Committee 


The role of this committee is to research policy issues which come to the attention of DCI and make  recommendations to the Board of Directors on matters relating to policy impacting the Design  and Construction industry. This committee is also responsible for informing the Board of  potential impacts to By-Laws and keeping them up-to-date.


The purpose of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee is to assist the Board in ensuring that the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is appropriately reflected in the organization’s internal operations as well as in its programming, advocacy, and other external interactions, with a view to overcoming systemic racism, discrimination and oppression, and to model an inclusive society built on respect for one another.  Learn more about the DEI Committment here.

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